Blüthner Model 1

Concert Grand

This instrument is the master piece of Blüthner, representing the knowledge acquired over the past 150 years of piano making. Orchestras and pianists alike are impressed by the powerful sound, the shading of the dynamics, and the outstanding performance.

Made in Germany

Key Features

Blüthner Aliquot

Aliquot Patent

Blüthner piano soundboards


Blüthner piano inner rim and cross beams

Inner Rim and Cross Beams

Blüthner piano bridge and pin block

Bridge and Pin Block

Blüthner piano traditional frame

Iron Frame

Blüthner piano keyboard and action

Keyboard and Action


Noir Noir
Blanc Blanc
Aulne Aulne
Bubinga Bubinga
Cerise Cerise
Ronce de Noyer Ronce de Noyer
Ziricote Ziricote
Macassar Macassar
Noyer Noyer
(Clair ou Sombre)
Acajou Acajou
(Clair ou Sombre)
Palisander Palisander
Palissandre Palissandre

Dimensions & Specifications

280cm (9'2")
160cm (5'3")