Jedes Instrument von Blüthner atmet die spannende Geschichte aus über hundertsiebzig Jahren deutscher Klavierbaukunst. Unser Restaurationszentrum schenkt Instrumenten jeden Alters ein zweites Leben.

Unser Qualitätsversprechen
Die technischen Komponenten eines Blüthners sind komplexe Entwicklungen aus unserem Hause – vom Blüthner Resonanzboden über die vierte Aliquot Saite bis hin zur Rastkonstruktion und der Blüthner Patentmechanik. Niemand kennt die Anforderungen und Bedürfnisse Ihres Instruments so gut, wie unsere Experten, denen längst auch Museen ihre Schmuckstücke zur Restauration anvertrauen. Und weil wir uns nicht nur mit unserem Namen für die Qualität unserer Arbeit verbürgen, erhält jedes fertiggestellte Instrument ein Zertifikat und mindestens fünf Jahre Garantie.

Veneer restoration
Whether your instrument is in a classic black or wood veneer, our experts will repair defects, peeling veneer or re-veneer the whole instrument. Missing or incorrect case parts can be replaced with historically accurate copies to fit your pianos original design.

Soundboard repair or replacement
Depending on the situation, the cracks of the soundboard can either be repaired or a new soundboard installed accordingly. Our experts carefully measure the original soundboard and manufacture an exact duplicate. The bridges will be replaced entirely or new bridge caps can be fitted to the original bridge.

Frame restoration
The iron frame is removed, sandblasted down to the bare metal and re-sprayed to match the original finish. Many hours of work are required to restore the iron, to maintain this, a protective layer of varnish is applied to keep the frame sealed.

Pin and block replacement
The pin block enables the tuning pins a firm grip and is largely responsible for good tuning stability. We will always replace the pin block when undertaking a restoration to guarantee the longevity of your instrument for many years to come.

Action mechanism and strings
The complex action mechanism consists of over five and a half thousand moving parts. In a full restoration, all action parts will be replaced including hammers, felts and leathers. Historical actions like the Julius Blüthner Patented Action are also repairable. The strings on every Blüthner restoration instrument are precisely cut to their original scale design and individually tied off at the iron frame. New bass strings are still wound by hand and new Blüthner blue felt is also fitted.

Tuning and polishing
Finally, the instrument is tuned many times to stabilise the pitch to A440 before toning and voicing take place to the owner’s specifications. The hammer heads are needled carefully to bring out the Blüthner Golden Tone for which we are famous and justly proud. The final case details and a fine polish conclude the restoration process.